About the Foundation

The Foundation Dr. Valentina Vrtikapa was founded on June 26, 2019.

It was registered in the district court of Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Foundation is named after psychiatrist Valentina Vrtikapa and was founded by members of her family with encouragement and support of her colleagues and friends.

The Foundation will pursue the ideas and values that Valentina held dearly.

It will recognize and reward great students from her hometown of Ljubinje and medical students from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Once a year, when the school year ends in October, the Foundation will have an application form on this website for scholarships. All the  necessary requirements that students must fulfill will be defined in the application itself.

The Founder

Bob (Božo) Vrtikapa (Valentina’s husband) is the founder of the foundation.

He obtained a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sarajevo.

In 1995, along with his family, he moved to Canada. In 2000 they moved to the USA, where he currently lives.

During his professional career, he worked with many global companies in Canada and the USA, where he fulfilled many duties working in Engineering departments.

Foundation funding

The Foundation is funded by yearly donations from the founder of this Foundation.
